Billie Hinton/Bio

Monday, February 26, 2024

Sad update on the little filly named Faith

 Last week the rescue group and vet team who have taken amazing care of Faith, the little filly who was removed from owners due to terrible physical and emotional abuse, had to make the heartbreaking decision to help Faith go peacefully. Her injuries were too severe for her to live a pain-free life even as a pasture only horse. 

So many people have put time and money and love into giving this young horse a chance to live a healthy life. It’s a tragedy that such a sweet girl has not been able to find stability without pain. 

The couple who bred and abused Faith have had their court case continued numerous times. We all need to reach out to Cumberland County Animal Control and encourage them not to let up with this case. These two people should never own horses again and they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for their abuse of this horse. 

You can easily google the numbers to call, write, and you can also help by sharing this far and wide and encouraging others to call and write. 

Thanks for your help in speaking out for Faith. 


  1. What a shame about poor little Faith. No innocent animal needs to be subject to torture. These two abusing jerks shouldn’t be allowed to have animals or any other living thing that needs care. I hope they get prosecuted to the fullest extent.


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