Billie Hinton/Bio

Thursday, September 24, 2020

My essay about my grandma, Threads, is up at Minerva Rising’s The Keeping Room

 You can read it HERE.


  1. Great essay billie! I tried to leave a comment but couldn't. I don't have word press or facebook or any social media.

    I too remember my Grandma's Singer sewing machine with the treadle. It was down in the basement by the old fashioned wringer washing machine. She used it often to repair Grandpa's work clothes and other things. I don't have her machine, it went to my uncle but I do have a White treadle sewing machine I bought at an antique store many years ago. You can't help but wonder who used it and for what purposes. At least you know how your machine worked to make many creative things and memories from your Grandma.

  2. Thank you for reading and trying to comment - happy to read here about your grandma’s Singer and your memories of her using it. Thinking about who might have used your antique machine could be the premise for a wonderful story or essay - but also just something fascinating to ponder!

  3. This essay was a delight to read!


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