Billie Hinton/Bio

Friday, January 17, 2020

The day the sunshine returned

We were all happy and even though it was still a mucky mess on the ground, the sky was bright and the mood was up.


  1. Wahoo! We've got sunshine today too after so much cloudy weather and rain. It's up to 12 degrees now and we're in for some snow tomorrow. As long as the sun keeps shining I'm fine with it all.

  2. We’re cooling down now but nothing like 12 degrees!! I was in Ithaca last week and there was snow on the ground and it was cold with gusting winds - at times when I looked out the window I couldn’t see a thing because of the dry snow blowing like crazy. Definitely a whole different kind of winter than what we have down here!! Glad you have sunshine. It does make things more cheerful, doesn’t it?

  3. Patch always expresses his mood with his gait. :)

  4. He’s always been a beautiful mover. I just love seeing him show it off. :)


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