Billie Hinton/Bio

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

When your bees come home to forage

Yesterday I was watering the pollinator beds and I’m fairly sure the Arcadia bees have found the narrow-leaf mountain mint (and all the rest of the pollinator plants) in my garden beds! This is partly why I planted these beds, in anticipation of providing food for my own honey bees, and seeing them foraging was such a happy moment.


  1. I think the bees are happy! They'll find the forage they like and it looks like they like your garden.

  2. I hope so! It’s exciting to see them find our flowers. :)

  3. I love the beehives and so happy to see some visiting the pollinator garden!

  4. Yesterday this plant was completely covered in our honey bees. It was stunning but far too bright to take a photo.


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