Billie Hinton/Bio

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Days flying by, stopping the madness with Keil Bay

I feel like time is racing forward - November has gone by so quickly and even though it isn’t December yet, it feels like that, too is going fast, as if time has bent and I am feeling it in advance. This morning I have a long list of things to do and right now I’m sitting here on the sofa as if at the helm of my own starship, trying to bend back time to its normal passing.

When the rush of things to do and things happening gets like this I have to consciously stop and recalibrate. Just one thing at a time. Feel the actual passage of seconds and minutes. Pause in every one of my things to do and let the thing I’m doing be the only thing. Savor the experience for whatever it is.

One of the things I’m doing today is visiting my chiropractor, who I haven’t seen in awhile because my body has felt fine. What always brings me back to her is raking season, when I swear I’m going to rake only in moderation and do it slowly, and carefully, using both sides of my body, and never overdo it. And I always overdo it.

So today I’ll get adjusted and tomorrow Keil Bay gets adjusted and Friday we’ll both be in alignment and ready to ride big circles that slow down time. If you read my magical pony school novels you know this bit of magic is in there but the truth is, it came out of real rides on the Big Handsome Bay. Time slows and then stops when I ride him, and it’s the way to stop the madness of days flying by.

Sometimes in life we gallop and sometimes we go into a moment of collection so perfect everything just stops and hangs, silent and pristine, in the air around us. It’s a healing moment. Riding isn’t the only way to find it but for me it’s what works. Try it out. Let me know how it goes.


  1. We are having an unseasonably warm day today with lots of sunshine. I would love to ride Rosie but the minute I fed and turned out this morning they all disappeared in a heartbeat to the farthest pasture. Not only that but I have electricians here installing a generator and new electrical panels and about 6 other guys installing windows. So I couldn’t ride even if the horses stayed around. Christmas is coming too fast. I haven’t put one decoration up yet or bought any presents. I’m way behind this year!

  2. Rosie has learned the drill! :)

    You sound busy with farm stuff. Our fencing hasn’t started yet but they came out today to mark electric and phone lines so it has to be close! He says they will be here 2-3 weeks. I’m nervous about the fencing coming down but he says he will never leave a fence line not totally secure at end of day and will never have a scenario where horses can get out. He has horses so I know he knows what he’s doing but I will be glad when it’s all done! I know you will too. We have trees but no lights on them yet!

  3. I know what you mean about needing to just [b]stop[/b] sometimes and let the seconds pass by as they are, instead of rushing through the overwhelming to-do lists. You put it so well.


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