Billie Hinton/Bio

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

me and Darth Bay

Yesterday was so warm we needed the fly mask to keep the gnats out of Keil Bay's ears. But we are HAPPY to be riding and stretching our muscles. 

I've got a little bit of a Mad-Eye Moody thing going on so maybe it should be Darth Bay and Mad-Eye Me.


Today's ride was cooler and no fly mask needed, so we were back to me and the Big Bay and triple peppermints at the end of some nice work. 


  1. Glad to hear it's warm by you and you're getting in some nice rides. I can't even imagine when it will be warm enough here for the bugs to show they're annoy selves. That's one thing I don't miss about warmer temps.

  2. Arlene, we've had nice weather for riding this week. Saturday we're getting below freezing again and maybe/hopefully that's winter's last hurrah. It's time to get garden beds going!

  3. Thanks, Matthew. And thanks to the iPhone for making all things possible when it comes to photos and video and ease of upload to the blog!

  4. Love the selfie.

    Curious about *mad eye moody*?!


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