Billie Hinton/Bio

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


That about sums up my day today. 

But I can reframe it like this:


Tooth fixed!



ee cummings poetry.

It's all in how you name the thing. 


  1. Attitude is everything!

    Now I'll have to try and look at the good side of : eye exam, taking Maggie to vet for a urinary tract infection,cleaning up the rugs where she couldn't help it while I was at said eye exam, breaking up ice on front stoop....

  2. Some things are harder than others!

    Hope all is well with eyes and urinary tracts. :)

  3. She's doing much better on her meds. I can still see fine for an old lady.😳 which is good news at my age.

  4. Well, there you go! You reframed beautifully and I'm glad things are going well. I have to say getting to the old lady stage of life and being able to sometimes pick and choose what we see/hear can be a very nice thing. :)


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