Billie Hinton/Bio

Friday, October 11, 2013

In which keil bay says stop with the lunging and get the hell on

Lunged perfectly to the left, which is his stiffer side but when I turned him to the right he absolutely would not stay out on the circle. I took this as the message it was: time to get over the hump and get on. And so I did. And it was quite lovely. Walk and trot. Look at him after!!!


  1. Yeah! So happy for you and Keil Bay. It sure looks like he's got a big smile on his handsome mug.

  2. A, the funny thing is, I don't think I've ever seen him make that face before yesterday! I got such a kick out of his big grin. :)

  3. Another great photo. He looks really alive. It was what he wanted for sure.

  4. Maire, we had another good ride this morning. And he was feisty for about half of it - I loved it.


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