Saturday, November 19, 2011

the third thing (seniors giving me silver hairs)

This morning Keil Bay's eye was wonky and when it didn't respond to my wonky eye protocol I called the vet.

3/4 inch scratch right across the cornea.

The Big Bay got a shot of Banamine, eye stain,  super duper eye ointment that needs to go in every 4 hours, and no sedation because he is a remarkably cooperative horse when something is wrong and he needs fixing.

He cried green tears and gave the vet a nuzzle at the end of it. I saw the scratch and for about one minute thought there was actually a splinter embedded in his eye. The vet seemed remarkably nonchalant for such a thing, but I was very relieved that I had totally mistook what I saw!

I have maybe 30 new silver hairs and now that the third thing has hit, we are ready to move on. Cold weather, hot weather, flies, ice in troughs - I swear I will not complain. Just healthy equines and pure boredom of routine days. That's all I ask for.

Send him some healing energy. He's in a fly mask in November!


Grey Horse Matters said...

The poor guy. I'm glad he's okay though. Will be sending all the healing energy I can from here. Good to know that the third bad thing is out of the way and you can move on and not have to worry about the silver threads weaving through your hair. Get better Big Bay.

billie said...

Arlene, thank you. When I am totally silver-haired does that mean we get totally calm around here? If so, I'm off to buy a bottle of silver hair color. :)

Calm, Forward, Straight said...

Healing thoughts coming Keil Bay's way. ♪♬♪"three is a magic number"♪♬♪

Anonymous said...

We had an older horse at our barn who used to scratch his corneas constantly, so I'm familiar with the green dye. Glad he's going to be OK soon, and that he's so cooperative for the eye medicine.

billie said...

Thanks, C. :)

billie said...

The eye looks remarkably better - it did last night and again this morning. Am imagining putting goggle masks on all of them to keep them safe.

Barbara said...

Hope it heals up fast. Tell him he look stylish in his mask.
LOVE your header photo.

billie said...

Barbara, thanks - the photo credit goes to my husband, who took some quite lovely pictures of the house on a foggy November morning for me. We had many deep reds this year that have been stunningly beautiful, and this dogwood really put on a show for us.

ponymaid said...

billie - he needs some of those stylish dark spectacles that the film stars wear. He is handsome enough to carry it off with aplomb.

billie said...

Sheaffer, he does! He is totally over me squirting ointment into his eye, but the vet said do it all week, so by gosh, that's what we're doing!!

Máire said...

Ouch! Yes I am sure they are adding to your silver hair count. Sending good energy vibes his way.

I love your header photo too. It's beautiful - and could only be American!

billie said...

Thanks, Maire. We appreciate the good energy and as usual, I feel it! :)