Billie Hinton/Bio

Monday, August 29, 2011

great news! Calm, Forward, Straight and Val are OKAY!

For any blog readers who know Calm, Forward, Straight and Val from the wonderful Transition to Harmony blog, you'll be relieved to hear that she and the handsome ottb Val weathered Hurricane Irene and although they are without almost all the amenities we are all so used to, they do have hay, feed, food, and shelter, and will be moving forward with cleaning up and getting back to normal life as utilities, etc. are restored.

Miraculously, C. had a non-electric phone and was able to bicycle it to a place she could plug it in and call. She said no one had a working land line anywhere but somehow, this one worked, and she got a call through. On my end, it was miraculous that I was in here to answer - our landline is mostly defunct as we are now all cellular here, but the call came through and I was able to hear the story of the hurricane.

I suspect it was nothing but the magic of horse bloggers and pony fairies that put that call through - we had time to catch up and then suddenly the connection was gone, but C. asked me to let everyone know that she is fine, Val weathered the storm like the trooper he is, and she will post on her own blog as soon as she can.

Send good thoughts for highway building that goes lightning fast and perpetual hay bales. And please pass the word on your blogs so that folks know she's okay.


  1. That's really great news. Some very scary pictures from the hurricane and I'm very glad horse and rider made it through OK.

  2. So glad to hear that - thanks for letting us know!

  3. That's good news, thanks for passing it along.

  4. Glad they came through well. I hope the recovery is easy on them both, and back to blogging soon!

  5. I also left a comment on her last blog post - glad folks can get the news here and there!

  6. This is what I love about blogging! Being disconnected from the Internet for all those days was the hardest part about losing power. So glad that Irene didn't hit November Hill and that CFS & Val are okay.

  7. It's a terrific network, isn't it? I was thinking about her when the phone rang, and so glad when it turned out to be her!


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