Billie Hinton/Bio

Monday, June 06, 2011

working on a new permanent page for companies who sponsor riders/trainers who use abusive methods with horses

I've decided to make it easier for readers to follow my ongoing research into the companies from which I purchase equine supplies, tack, feed, and various other items.

In the next week or two look for a new page here that will list the companies I use, companies I have corresponded with due to their sponsorship of abusive riders/trainers, and companies I have stopped using because of their continuing to sponsor people when abusive practices are pointed out to them.


  1. Great idea. I'm sure it will be a lot of work but thanks for doing it.

  2. Maybe you were an investigative reporter in a past life. Impressive.

  3. Thanks, all. It will probably take me the next month to do it but I'm working on it!

  4. Good idea and a good resource for those of us too busy/lazy to do the research ourselves (nodding at myself here!) I love your new background...very peaceful and pretty.

  5. Michelle, it will be a work in progress, but I feel it's important. Thanks re: the background. I needed a change and this feels like summer to me!

  6. I should have some information on the tabs at the top of my blog in the next two weeks. Keep an eye out, and I will announce too.


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment - I love reading them and respond as often as I can. I also love comments that add to the original post, so feel free to share your own experiences, insights, and thoughts.