Thursday, June 02, 2011

can we make the world a better place?

Friend and kaleidoscope artist Sue Ivy posted this yesterday and gave me permission to repost it here on camera-obscura. It feels so relevant this week as we struggle with what we can do to change things for horses and in the world.

We should not let the magnitude of worldly problems negatively impact our ability to bring about change in our own spheres of influence. It is tempting to assume that because we cannot solve humanity's problems that there is no reason to even attempt to make the world a better place. But our limited contributions join those of other, similarly minded individuals, and our combined efforts can have a major impact on suffering. Large-scale changes begin when a single person chooses to undertake a task that will improve the lives of a handful of people.—The DailyOM

Enchanted Forrest kaleidoscope gifts, apparel, stationery, posters and more: ~ Books and calendars


Thanks, Sue! I needed to read this today. And please go check out Sue's links to see her offerings. Beautiful!


Barbara said...

Good thoughts and thanks for the link.

Grey Horse Matters said...

Thanks for the link and the thoughtful message.

Calm, Forward, Straight said...

Think globally, act locally... ;) Kaleidoscopes are just like mandalas!

Victoria Cummings said...

I think that it's very significant that Purina and the FEI responded to you. One person can always make a difference in creating change - I've seen it over and over in so many different situations in my life. So please continue your efforts and we will all continue ours. Standing up for each other, whether we have four legs or two or fins or wings, is the most important thing that we can do to bring about more kindness and less bullying and intimidation. As much as I'd like to see change happen overnight, it takes a lot of shifting of deeply ingrained patterns just like the intricate twisting and turning movement of a kaleidoscope, And we just have to keep it up, since each time we are widening the circle of attention to what we are trying to change.

billie said...

Barbara, I'm glad you enjoyed the quote and images!

billie said...

A, you are most welcome.

billie said...

C, yes - mandalas!!

billie said...

Victoria, I think so too. It does make me feel better in general that these larger entities are paying attention. I try to remember that the people who respond to me are not the "entity" but one person possibly trying on their end, in whatever way they can, to make changes too.

I love what you wrote about change and kaleidoscopes. It's so true - one shift of the lens and everything has moved. I often use the metaphor of a mobile when I work with families or (individual members of families). When we change ourselves, everyone around us shifts slightly in response to that change. And in that way we have a lot of power. It's subtle and takes time, as you say, but it's there.

Michelle said...


billie said...

Michelle, she has many gorgeous images and quotes in her books - follow her links to check them out.