Billie Hinton/Bio

Saturday, November 06, 2010

the november garden

I've been astounded at how our garden began to deteriorate in late August and then miraculously seemed to regenerate itself. Suddenly the tomato vines greened up and began to set fruit again, the sweet peppers took off like they were trying to win a contest, and the eggplant went nuts. The beans gave a valiant new crop, the basil went ballistic, and we watched one particularly cute rapscallion grow like, well, a weed.

I kept meaning to take photos but decided yesterday I HAD to since we're looking at a very cold night tonight and I doubt the plants will survive it without being pampered, which I am not planning to do at this point in the season. Well, except for the rapscallion, which is winterized!

And as you'll see, I've had some assistance in the garden lately. A certain garden helper has been very steadily picking peppers for me and bringing them in.


  1. Glad to see you have an assistant to help you bring the crop in. He couldn't be more adorable if he tried.

  2. Billie, your garden looks delicious. I have forbidden the Woman to look at any more photos of Bear - she becomes maudlin and distracted to an extent where I fear for her reason (what there is of it).

  3. Matthew, this time I caught him in the act. :)

  4. Arlene, I am enchanted by the "grown up" Corgi fur he is starting to get - if you look on his back in the photo you can see where it's curling and getting shiny - that's it.

  5. Sheaffer, maybe you and Jack can get her a puppy for Christmas! It might keep her so distracted she leaves the feed room door open...

  6. Kyle, it's amazing having a puppy on the scene again.


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