Billie Hinton/Bio

Thursday, October 07, 2010

impromptu offering for local folks

 Friday 15 October: 10 - 3 p.m. : 

 an outdoor day with equines and guided writing exercises. Come work on writing or a stuck place in your life. I can tailor the exercises to your individual project or goal. 

$125. or help with barn chores and take the workshop for $75. 

 I have room for 3 people. Bring your own lunch or one of us can do a run to Angelina's and get take-out.


  1. If I wasn't so far away I'd drop by to play with the equines and give Bear a hug. How's the little guy doing by the way.

  2. Oh, I wish you were closer!

    Bear is doing great. I need to take some photos, but basically he has tripled in size since he arrived. He is doing really well - for the most part he and the cats have worked out their relationships, he and Kyra are very good friends, and he keeps things hopping. I will get some pictures soon. Need to get the camera rolling again!

  3. Billie, I must really be stressed! Somehow I didn't know about this. Of course I have to work during the week, but be sure and tell me if you plan to offer this on a weekend. Writing AND horses/donkeys? It doesn't get any better than that!

  4. I try to alternate - and usually the schedule is somewhat dictated by what's going on with family here, but I will definitely let you know the next weekend time.

    I'm trying to put together a weekly "guided writing" exercise (45 minutes) that will be at a set time and folks can come every week or as needed - with a minimal charge of $10 or so.

    If you have any input on that (what day/time, who might be interested locally, etc.) please let me know!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment - I love reading them and respond as often as I can. I also love comments that add to the original post, so feel free to share your own experiences, insights, and thoughts.