Billie Hinton/Bio

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Phillipe Karl's response, and a change of wording in FEI statement?

I just copied Phillipe Karl's response to yesterday's FEI announcement on rollkur and have pasted it below.

Very interesting - he points out something I didn't notice - the current announcement reads LONG, Deep and Round and the version I first read yesterday read LOW, Deep and Round.

What in the world? Why did they change that one word?

It is utterly confusing.

For some clarity on all these different terms and how they relate to position of the head and neck in relation to the rest of the horse's body, GO HERE.

10 February 2010

FEI: Rollkur/hyperflexion forbidden, LDR acceptable
On 9 February 2010, 20 FEI experts declared the Rollkur controversy resolved. Their conclusion: Rollkur/hyperflexion ist unacceptable, "Low, Deep and Round" (as stated in the first version of the FEI press release) or "Long, Deep and Round" (second version of the FEI press release) however is acceptable. The only question is: how do you know the difference?

Philippe Karl's comment on the FEI statement: "The FEI has bravely decided to make no decision at all. Rollkur isn't officially permitted, but the same posture persists under another name (LDR). The rules haven't changed and everything will go on as before, in the most perfect hypocrisy. But we're not giving up yet; rather, we will continue to fight against this catastrophe."


  1. I really respect Phillippe Karl and I agree with his comment. It's exactly what I thought but he's worded it much better than I could.

  2. Hi Billie,

    I'm Malina Gueorguiev, FEI Press Manager, and as you know I follow your blog with great interest.

    On this particular topic, I wanted to let you know The low, deep and round (LDR) training technique, providing it achieves flexion without undue force, was approved as acceptable by the participants at the round-table conference. The term “low” was used in the press statement sent out after the meeting and in FEI Dressage Director Trond Asmyr’s video message posted on YouTube, but a typo resulted in “low” being changed to “long” on the FEI website. This has now been corrected to reflect the decision taken by the participants in the round-table conference.

    Check it out here

    All the best,

  3. Malina, I thank you for the clarification, and particularly for commenting here.

    My sense is that if the FEI will dialogue with those of us who truly do want what's best for the horses, much good work can be done together.

    I will post this anew so that all my readers see this, as I think the perception is that the FEI doesn't listen and doesn't care.

    Again, thank you, and your comments are welcome at any time!

  4. Arlene, I love his last line, and trust he will continue speaking out and writing statements that educate and inspire us.


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment - I love reading them and respond as often as I can. I also love comments that add to the original post, so feel free to share your own experiences, insights, and thoughts.