Billie Hinton/Bio

Thursday, July 17, 2008

on location

Okay - I'm officially on retreat and getting my arrival routine underway at the coffee shop that has internet access so I can check email and blogs before going back to the magic mansion - where dial-up is only for the very very patient.

It's a total pleasure to be back here. Where folks in a few places recognize me and I know my way to all the best spots. And the moment I settle in to write, the flow is there.

Send good vibes for effective editing and a book that takes off like a rocket when it queries.



  1. Someday we'll all have to get together for a movie at the Sunrise and a beer at O'Donnells...

    Have a great time in SOP!

  2. Consider good vibes sent, and may your book also take off like a shooting star!

  3. Thanks, Arlene. Catching up on comments, finally... :)

    J, thanks - we will all get together one of these days.

    Janet, those vibes made it - I appreciate the wonderful wishes for this book.

    Thanks, Victoria!!


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment - I love reading them and respond as often as I can. I also love comments that add to the original post, so feel free to share your own experiences, insights, and thoughts.