Billie Hinton/Bio

Thursday, February 07, 2008

spread the love!

Victoria at Teachings of the Horse has just given camera-obscura a "spread the love" award - what an honor! Her blog as well as those she's awarded are daily reads for me and I encourage you to check all of them out. What a wonderful community of creative horsefolk!

Thank you, Victoria!

I'll be back after barn chores to add my list of spread the love recipients!


And here they are:



Only One


  1. I am honored to receive this Spread The Love award and can safely assume it is fat-free, cholesterol-free, and chockful of yummy vitamin goodness guaranteed t build strong hearts twelve ways!

    Thanks, Billie.
    (The check is in the mail). ;-)

  2. Ph, and duh!---congratulations on your STL award. I'm humbled to share a love dais with you, Billie!

  3. Yay, Joseph! I'm happy to spread the love.


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment - I love reading them and respond as often as I can. I also love comments that add to the original post, so feel free to share your own experiences, insights, and thoughts.